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Dr. John Brimhall San Diego Seminar

Spent this past weekend down in San Diego attending a Dr. John Brimhall seminar….while Bellingham was enjoying the best weather in probably over 2 years while San Diego was under a gray sky the entire time we were there. We did not see the sun for one minute. Sigh!

I picked up some great treatment protocols especially using the laser. Dr. Brimhall treated 2 frozen shoulders of 8 months and 5 years duration. After a 5 minutes treatment with laser the 8 month frozen shoulder saw a range of motion increase to about 80% normal while the 5 year saw a 100% return. Pretty awesome.

Looking forward to being home on weekends for the next month. I have the Test of Metal mountain bike race coming up on June 20th up in Squamish. The following weekend heading to Seattle for another seminar on nutrition.

Finally, I have to give a congrats to my team at Ski to Sea for placing 28th overall. Nicely done!

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