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Severe Shoulder Degeneration Pre and Post Surgery Success

Case Study: 64 year old male with severe degeneration in right shoulder

Organization: Noble Chiropractic and Movement Lab

Noble Chiropractic and Movement Lab focuses on bringing the nervous system into coherence and optimization with the use of subtle adjustments and awareness – The Noble Method

Author: Dr. Steve Noble, DC


An MRI confirmed severe degeneration to the right glenohumeral joint, rotator cuff and biceps tendon. Pain was 8/10 at start of care with severely limited range of motion (ROM). Range of motion for abduction was 60 degrees, external rotation 10 degrees. Shoulder rested in internal rotation. Shoulder was sore and tender to the touch with T+2/4 tenderness throughout the shoulder. Pain was extensive throughout all ROMs. Strength was 2/5 when tested manually. Patient was scheduled for reconstructive surgery 4 weeks after beginning care.


Optimizing the nervous system through subtle adjustments and awareness has the effect of creating coherence – The Noble Method

With the body’s ability to respond to subtle adjustments, strength, mobility, stability and pain reduction all improved rapidly in his shoulder leaving him questioning whether to proceed with the surgery. We agreed that surgery was going to give him the best outcome. Post surgery we resumed treatments and his response to care was rapid for gaining strength, mobility, stability and pain reduction. His range of motion was at 160 degrees when moving the shoulder away from the body with strength at 5/5. Pain was reduced to 1/10 from a high of 8/10.

Project Description

The goal was to get the shoulder stronger with more range of motion prior to surgery and then to continue treatment post surgery. The patient started a schedule of 10 minute appointments for 2xs/week for the 4 weeks leading up to surgery. Treatments were applied using the Noble Method, which is a method of bringing the nervous system into coherence using subtle adjustments and awareness. The result was improved muscle recruitment, improved strength, decreased pain and improved range of motion leading up to surgery. After 4 weeks of care, the range of motion had improved to 120 degrees in abduction and 30 degrees external rotation. Pain was down to 3/10. Nutriwest’s Total FLM was used as an anti-inflammatory couple with starting Omega 3 oil in the form of Innate Choice Fish Oil. At this point the patient considered forgoing surgery but we decided it was best to get some repair done.

Two weeks post surgery the patient returned for care. He was recommended not to start Physical Therapy by the doctor who performed the surgery on his shoulder for at least 6 weeks. The Noble Method allows for subtle adjustments which immediately starts to improve strength by way of improving muscle recruitment. Over the course of 6 weeks, range of motion and strength improved. Pain was down significantly to 3/10 from the time of surgery where it had gone back to 8/10. Six weeks post surgery he returned to his orthopedic doctor who again recommended against starting PT for another 6 weeks. The patient returned to Noble Chiropractic for continued care where over the next 6 weeks pain dropped 1/10 and range of motion was 160 in abduction. Strength was 5/5 throughout other than external rotation where strength was 4/5. Upon returning to his orthopedic doctor with the gains we made his surgeon now didn’t see a reason to go to PT due to the gains we made. Both the patient and I thought it best that he check in with a PT.


During the time of treatment the patient was away for some personal time totalling 3 weeks post surgery.

Read our blog about this patient!

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Case Study: Severe Shoulder Degeneration | (360) 671-7067