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Severe Left Hip Pain Resolved in 4 visits

Case Study: 74 year old male with severe left hip pain

Organization: Noble Chiropractic and Movement Lab

Noble Chiropractic and Movement Lab focuses on bringing the nervous system into coherence and optimization with the use of subtle adjustments and awareness – The Noble Method

Author: Dr. Steve Noble, DC.


Patient reported no known injury with pain in left hip of 2 weeks duration. Pain was 9/10 in left hip and 4/10 in left proximal hamstring. When lying on the right side, the patient was unable to lift left leg into abduction due to severe pain. Lying on back left hip was 3/5 for strength with pain in resistance. Left hamstring, hip flexor and IT band strength was 4/5 for resistance while lying on back with 4/10 pain. Tenderness in left hip at gluteus minimus and medius muscles and femur attachments were T+2-3/4. Left sacroiliac joint and proximal hamstring were T+2/4 for tenderness. Inflammation was found in the form of pathogens throughout the tissues and nerves of the left hip through muscle response testing.


Marked reduction in pain reduced to 0/10 side lying and 1/10 standing after 4 ten minute visits with strength in hip in all angles at 5/5. Tender to touch reduced to near 0/4. He was able to resume his plans to fly to meet his friends for a gold tournament weekend after “seriously considered cancelling his trip due to the pain.” Post trip…”no pain whatsoever and had a great time.”

Treatment Description

Treatments were done 2 times per week for 2 weeks for a total of 4 visits. The treatment times were 10 minutes in duration each. Noble Method, a method combining mechanical aspects with energy work to create coherence and fine tuning in the nervous system, was used for treatment coupled with instrument assisted chiropractic adjustments.

Post first treatment patient reported 0/10 hamstring pain with measured 5/5 strength with no pain in resistance. Tenderness in the hamstring was less than T+1/4. Hip strength improved to 4/5 strength lying on back. No improvements in Range of Motion (ROM) with side lying.

Treatment of the pathogens included an herbal tincture Bac T by Microwest to help reduce inflammation by reducing the pathogenic load in the area.

At the second visit the patient reported continued 0/10 hamstring pain and 9/10 hip pain with side lying and unable to lift leg. Post Noble Method treatment patient able to lift leg 20 degrees with side lying. IT band, hip flexors and hamstrings all at 5/5 strength for resistance with no pain.

The third visit saw a reduction in pain to 6/10 and prior to treatment side lying abduction of left leg was measured at 30 degrees. This is likely due to the decreased pathogenic load thus inflammation in the area. Post Noble Method tenderness is at T+1/4 in left gluteus minimus and medius and pain at 4/10 with still 30 degrees side lying abduction. Left hip abduction lying on back at 5/5 for strength with no pain. Gluteus maximus at 5/5 strength with no pain.

The fourth visit started at 3/10 for pain side lying and 1/10 standing. Post Noble Method 0/10 pain standing and 1/10 pain side lying abduction. Tenderness less than T+1/4 in gluteus minimus and medius.

The patient saw pain reduce each visit with strength and stability improving. The patient was able to fly to his golf trip and enjoy himself.

Read our blog about this patient!

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Noble Chiropractic Case Study: Severe Left Hip Pain | (360) 671-7067