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Keeping Faith When You’re Injured
Keeping Faith When You’re Injured Keeping the Faith Several people I care about are currently battling injury, which has sidelined their training. It’s frustrating on many levels, and also like being witness to a scientific experiment of innate human responses. It’s been interesting to see how each person handles themselves at a seemingly determined

Chiropractic for Treating Headaches
There’s nothing more aggravating than a headache, whether the pain in localized, behind the eyes, or the sensation exists all over – it’s a detriment to functioning normally. Your headache could be nausea-inducing, dull, sharp, or an indicator of something more severe – chiropractic is a natural way to eliminate it. Many studies show

Inflammation – What to eat and what to avoid
Inflammation – hard to calculate, but possible to limit and diminish. Inflammation can accompany more serious health concerns the likes of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer or Alzheimers. Our diet plays a major role in contributing towards increasing or decreasing the amount of inflammation going on inside of us. Pro-inflammatory foods might include: bacon, white

Staying Healthy Towards the End of Spring Sports
Spring sports are coming to an end, with high school track meets and State coming up, along with NCAA Div. II Track and Field Nationals, Ski to Sea, and the likes of baseball, golf, tennis, it’s important to stay healthy as we peak and crest over the accumulated stress each spring sport has afforded.

Is a cool-down really necessary after a cardio workout?
“For a long time, the theory was that cooling down by continuing to exercise at a lower intensity would help the legs flush out lactate” and avoid soreness the next day said Ross Tucker, a South African physiologist and a founder of the website The Science of Sport. “That’s still dogma among many coaches

Outside Online interviews Meb post Boston
In an article posted in Outside Online, Aimee Berg interviewed Meb Keflezighi regarding his Boston Marathon 2014 win. Here is her article, Inside Meb’s Win at the Boston Marathon Four days after becoming the first American man to win the Boston Marathon since 1983, Meb Keflezighi was in high demand. But he took a

Shalane Flanagan aims for first female American at Boston 2014
From ESPN’s Athlete’s Life comes, Training Tracks: Shalane FlanaganBy Cristina Goyanes Growing up 17 miles north of Boston, in Marblehead, Mass., Shalane Flanagan watched her parents compete in the Boston Marathon and had long envisioned herself standing on podium there. So when the 2008 Olympic bronze medalist in the 10,000 meters finished fourth in

Mariner’s Home Opener
From the News Tribune by Bob Dutton – Pomp, Paxton for Mariners’ home opener “Let’s talk hoopla with a Northwest twist. The Seattle Mariners are set to unveil All-Star second baseman Robinson Cano, their seminal offseason acquisition, to a sellout crowd Tuesday, when they open their home schedule at 7:10 p.m. against the Los

USA FIT Bellingham is here!
What is USA FIT Bellingham? A group of training partners and friends from “couch potato to seasoned marathoner,” who get together to prepare for the 5k, half marathon, or marathon. USA FIT started in Houston, TX in 1989 and has grown to include programs in over 50 cities across the nation and in Europe.

Get outside from now to Ski to Sea – Local Running Races
It’s a few months out from the resolutions we made in January. Have you accomplished some or all of what you wanted to yet? Welcome Spring! Longer daylight, warmer temps, and more chances to compete. I’ve compiled a list of upcoming local races, whether competitive or noncompetitive, dog or stroller friendly, good causes to